"I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me" Matthew 25:31
Opening Times
Please note that we endevour to be open at the times listed below, however as our Parish Pantry is enabled by volunteers giving their time, we cannot guarantee that someone will be there on Saturday morning.
Sundays - 10:00 - Noon
Wednesdays - 10:00 - 11:00
Wednesdays - 13:30 - 17:00
Saturdays - 10:00 - Noon
pOur Parish Pantry is an integral component of the All Souls' growing suite of 'In Faith' projects, through which we aim to increase our Churches presence within our community, and provide much needed support to those in need.
Our District Church Council initiated the 'Food for those in Need' project in February 2017. This project complimented the other initiatives at that time, All Souls Community Garden and All Souls Counselling service.
The vision of our former Churchwarden, Monica Richardson-Sowe, this project supported those in need within the local community; the hungry, the homeless and those who are lonely and socially isolated.
The project initially enabled people to come into our Church Undercroft and receive a hot drink, soup, a warm environment, friendly faces and listening ears.
Monica, who is a keen cook and works for Leeds City Council in one of their Children's Centres, led the project, which eventually stopped due to the refurbishment of our Undercroft, and then Covid.
Despite having our long-awaited new kitchen, the District Church Council decided following Covid to concentrate on providing a Parish Pantry, which would allow those in need to collect some tinned and packaged goods, sadly increasingly neccesary for many, as the cost of living and energy crisis hit our community during 2022.
Our District Church Council initiated the 'Food for those in Need' project in February 2017. This project complimented the other initiatives at that time, All Souls Community Garden and All Souls Counselling service.
The vision of our former Churchwarden, Monica Richardson-Sowe, this project supported those in need within the local community; the hungry, the homeless and those who are lonely and socially isolated.
The project initially enabled people to come into our Church Undercroft and receive a hot drink, soup, a warm environment, friendly faces and listening ears.
Monica, who is a keen cook and works for Leeds City Council in one of their Children's Centres, led the project, which eventually stopped due to the refurbishment of our Undercroft, and then Covid.
Despite having our long-awaited new kitchen, the District Church Council decided following Covid to concentrate on providing a Parish Pantry, which would allow those in need to collect some tinned and packaged goods, sadly increasingly neccesary for many, as the cost of living and energy crisis hit our community during 2022.